

Patient Posts Feelings about Surgery

Surgery is what we do. It's our specialty. We've got it down to a science and we consistently see the amazing benefits it can have for patients. It's not for everyone, but when we see someone we can help, we recommend it as an option.

Our patients often remind us that the idea of voluntarily allowing someone to cut on you is actually pretty terrifying. We get that. We think the best way to help patients who are struggling with this fear is to share the experiences of others. This is why we frequently spotlight our patients on our website and social media (if you are open to sharing your own story, please contact us!).

Here are a few Facebook posts from one patient who was very nervous about her knee surgery last week. We can all relate to her feelings, and our staff was so thrilled that she took a moment to let us know how she was feeling the day after surgery ...

January 9:

January 10:

January 11:


posted 05/01/2017 in Uncategorized

Tags: testimonial, surgery, no surgery, non surgical, piedmont surgery center, knee surgery


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